Learn how to use Creative Cloud for video and audio production. Discover how to leverage existing visual design skills to grasp the fundamentals of working with motion and sound.
- Welcome
- Who this course is for
- What you need to know
- Exercise files
- Basic terminology
- Understanding time
- The After Effects interface
- Creating a new project
- Understanding comps
- Importing files from Photoshop
- Importing files from Illustrator
- Importing other files
- Creating a comp
- Adding graphics
- Motion
- Scale
- Opacity
- Parenting
- Precomps
- Adding and modifying text
- Motion graphics templates
- Dynamic Link
- Rendering
- The Premiere interface
- Creating a new project
- Importing files
- Clips and sequences
- Source and Program Monitors
- Understanding tracks
- Color grading
- Transitions
- Dynamic linking to After Effects
- Working with sound and Audition
- Adding titles
- Exporting media
- The Audition interface
- Waveforms and spectral
- Making basic edits
- Reducing noise
- Eliminating unwanted sounds
- Adding punchiness
- Multitrack editing
- Remixing time
- Exporting the multitrack mixdown
- The Adobe Media Encoder workspace
- Exporting overview
- Formats 101
- The queue
- Opening the project
- Creating the basic sequences
- Adding opening titles
- Adding lower thirds in Premiere
- Adding calls to action
- Rendering the finished project
- Publishing to YouTube, Vimeo, and more
- Connecting with the author
- Where to go from here
Taught by
Tony Harmer