⌨️ Introduction
⌨️ Tools we’ll need
⌨️ Creating a new database
⌨️ Saving the data
⌨️ How to fill in a table
⌨️ Select star from albums
⌨️ How to delete backticks
⌨️ Intro to the series
⌨️ How to delete the backticks
⌨️ Building the database app
⌨️ Start of the demo
⌨️ Creating an album class
⌨️ Adding two albums to the list
⌨️ Connecting the database to the database
⌨️ Where does the data source live?
⌨️ Setting up the database
⌨️ Running the app
⌨️ How to create searches
⌨️ Programming the new search button
⌨️ The problem with parameter queries
⌨️ Adding a picture to the screen
⌨️ How to test the problem
⌨️ Adding new records to the database
⌨️ Adding an integer to the database
⌨️ Adjusting the column titles
⌨️ Execute non-query query
⌨️ Creating a foreign key
⌨️ Install mysql workbench
⌨️ Connecting to the database
⌨️ Configuring the tracks table
⌨️ We have a problem with Mamp synchronization
⌨️ Inserting data into the tracks table
⌨️ Selecting items from the database
⌨️ Changes to the definition of tracks
⌨️ Fixing the problem with the binding source
⌨️ Foreign keys and joins
⌨️ Selecting from the table
⌨️ Changing the query using a join
⌨️ Uml diagrams for our current application
⌨️ Associative vs aggregation
⌨️ Introduction to compound queries
⌨️ Fetching the list of all tracks
⌨️ Using the delete statement to delete tracks
⌨️ The problem with converting an integer to an integer
⌨️ Deleting a track by deleting its Id
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5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
Overall, the SQL Database App with Windows GUI project is well-executed, meeting the requirements effectively and providing a valuable tool for managing database interactions